صفحه شخصی دکتر محمد جواد مهدی پور


دکتر :محمد جواد مهدی پور
مرتبه علمی:دانشیار
کارشناسی ریاضی گرایش ریاضی محض
کارشناسی ارشد ریاضی گرایش ریاضی محض
دکتری ریاضی گرایش ریاضی محض

دانشکده :ریاضی

پست الکترونیک :  mehdipour[@]sutech.ac.ir

شماره تماس:۳۷۲۶۱۳۹۲-۰۷۱

آدرس:شیراز، بلوار مدرس، خیابان شهید کلانتری، دانشگاه صنعتی شیراز دانشکده ریاضی ،کد پستی ۱۳۸۷۶-۷۱۵۵۷

   زمینه های پژوهشی


   پیشینه پژوهشی

مقالات چاپ شده در نشریات

  1. F.‎ Javadi and M.‎ J.‎  Mehdipour, On constructions of K-g-frames in Hilbert spaces, Mediterr.‎ J.‎ Math.‎, (2021)‎ Accepted.‎
  2. M.‎ Ghasemi and M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour, Derivations on Banach algebras of connected multiplicative linear functionals, Bull.‎ Malays.‎ Math.‎ Sci.‎ Soc.‎, 44 (2021)‎, 1727–1748.‎
  3. M.‎ H.‎ Ahmadi Gandomani and M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour, Symmetric bi-derivations and their generalizations on group algebras, FILOMAT, 35 (4)‎ (2021)‎.‎
  4. M.‎ Ghasemi and M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour, Homological properties of Banach modules related to locally compact groups, Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, Series A, 21 (4)‎ (2020)‎, 295–301.‎
  5. M.‎ H.‎ Ahmadi Gandomani and M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour, Jordan, Jordan right and Jordan left derivations on convolution algebras, Bull.‎ Iranian Math.‎ Soc.‎, 45 (2019)‎, 189–204.‎
  6. K.‎ Jahedi, M.‎ Avar and M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour, Some common fixed point of two families of weakly compatible self-maps on quasi-metric spaces, J.‎ Math.‎ Extension, 13 (3)‎ (2019)‎, 1-17.‎
  7. M.‎ H.‎ Ahmadi Gandomani and M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour, Generalized derivations on some convolution algebras, Aequationes Math.‎, 92 (2)‎ (2018)‎, 223–241.‎
  8. F.‎ Javadi, S.‎ Jahedi and M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour, Compression and decompression based on discrete weighted transform, Applied Mathematics and Computations, 335, 133–145 (2018)‎.‎
  9.  F.‎ Javadi, S.‎ Jahedi and M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour, Weighted transform and approximation of some functions on unbounded sets, Soft Comput, 21 (2017)‎, 3579-3585.‎
  10. M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour and Z.‎ Saeedi, Derivations on group algebras of a locally compact abelian group, Monatsh.‎ Math, 180 (2016)‎ 595-605.‎
  11. M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour , On positive weakly compact left multipliers of a certain group algebra, J.‎ Math.‎ Extension, 11 (1)‎ (2016)‎, 45-55.‎
  12. M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour and Z.‎ Saeedi, Derivations on convolution algebras, Bull.‎ Korean Math.‎ Soc.‎, 52 (2015)‎ 123-1132.‎
  13. S.‎ Jahedi, M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour and R.‎ R.‎ Rafizadeh, Approximation of integrable functions based on $\phi$− transform, Soft Computing, 18 (2014)‎ 2015-2022.‎
  14. M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour, Weakly completely continuous elements of the Banach algebra $\hbox{LUC}(G)^*$, J.‎ Math.‎ Extension, 8(1)‎ (2014)‎ 1-10.‎
  15. M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour, The modulus of weakly compact multipliers on the Banach algebra $L^1(G)^**$ of a locally compact group, Bull.‎ Austral.‎ Math.‎ Soc.‎, 86 (2012)‎ 315-321.‎
  16. S.‎ Maghsoudi, M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour and R.‎ Nasr-Isfahani, Compact right multipliers on a Banach algebra related to locally compact semigroups, Semigroup Forum, 83(2)‎ (2011)‎ 205-213.‎
  17. M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour and R.‎ Nasr-Isfahani, Weakly compact multipliers on Banach algebras related to locally compact group, Acta Math.‎ Hingr.‎, 127(3)‎ (2010)‎ 195-206.‎
  18. S.‎ Jahedi, M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour and R.‎ R.‎ Rafizadeh, An approximation model of continuous functions, Int.‎ J.‎ Contemp.‎ Math.‎ Sciences, 5 (2010)‎ 2781-2786.‎
  19. Compact left multipliers on Banach algebras related to locally compact groups, Bull.‎ Austral.‎ Math.‎ Soc.‎, 79 (2009)‎, 227–238.‎
  20. M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour and R.‎ Nasr-Isfahani, Completely continuous elements of Banach algebras related to locally compact groups, Bull.‎ Austral.‎ Math.‎ Soc.‎, 76 (2007)‎ 49-54.‎
  21. خدیجه جاهدی- موسی آور -محمد جواد مهدی پور، نقطه ثابت مشترک در فضاهای -b متریک کامل به روش سیریک، پژوهش های نوین در ریاضی، دوره ۴، شماره ۱۶، سال ۱۳۹۷، شماره صفحه: ۱۵۶-۱۴۵.

مقالات ارائه شده در کنفرانس ها

  1. S.‎ Jahedi, M.‎ J.‎  Mehdipour and R.‎ Rafizadeh, Weighted fuzzy transform, The 23th International Conferences Mathematics, 19-21 February 2009, Ferdowsi University of Ahvax, Ahvaz, Iran.‎
  2. M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour, Weakly compact multipliers on the Banach algebra L^1G)**, The 41th International Conferences Mathematics, September 2010, Orumieh, Iran.‎
  3. M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour and M.‎ Dehkordi, Some results on contraction mappings, The 23th International Conferences Mathematics, The 19th Mathematical Analysis Seminar and its applications, February 2010, Babolsar, Iran.‎
  4. S.‎ Sharifi, A.‎ Fakharzadeh and M.‎ J.‎  Mehdipour, On some applications of an extended PMP theorem for infinite time horizon, The 19th Mathematical Analysis Seminar and its applications, February 2010, Babolsar, Iran.‎
  5. M.‎ J.‎  Mehdipour, The existence of non-zero weakly compact left multipliers on ideals of L^\infty(G)^*, The 43th International Conferences Mathematics, September  2011, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran.‎
  6. F.‎ Abednejad and M.‎ J.‎  Mehdipour, On certain product of normed algebras, March 2013, Jahrom University, Jahrom, Iran.‎
  7. F.‎ Abednejad and M.‎ J.‎  Mehdipour, Derivations of measure algebras of a locally compact group, March 2013, Jahrom University, Jahrom, Iran.‎
  8. S.‎ Behresi and M.‎ J.‎  Mehdipour, derivations on semiprime rings, The 23th International Conferences Mathematics, The 21th Mathematics Analysis and applications, January 2014, HamedanUniversity, Hamedan, Iran.‎

  9. N.‎ Gholami and M.‎ J.‎  Mehdipour, Periodic point for the generalized (\phi, \psi)- contractive mapping in right complete generalized quasimetric spaces, The 46th International Conferences Mathematics, September 2015, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.‎
  10. M.‎ J.‎  Mehdipour and Z.‎ Shakiba, Some \mu- fixed point theorems for \mu-continuous maps on \sigma-algebras, The 46th International Conferences Mathematics, September 2015, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.‎
  11. S.‎ Jahedi, M.‎ J.‎  Mehdipour and R.‎ Rafizadeh, Approximation of continuous functions by inverse weighted fuzzy transform, The 4th International Conferences Mathematics, March 2009, Zahedan University, Zahedan, Iran.‎
  12. S.‎ Jahedi, M.‎ J.‎  Mehdipour and R.‎ Rafizadeh, Discrete weighted fuzzy transform and its application to data compression, The 10th Conferences Fuzzy System Iran, January 2009, Ferdowsi University of Ahvax, Ahvaz, Iran.‎
  13. S.‎ Jahedi, M.‎ J.‎  Mehdipour and R.‎ Rafizadeh, Approximation via Weighted Transformation, 5th Annual International conference on Mathematics, Statistic & Mathematical education, June 2011, Greece.‎
  14. M.‎ J.‎  Mehdipour, S.‎ Jahedi and Z.‎ Shakiba, 5th Annual International conference on Mathematics, Statistic & Mathematical education, June 2011, Greece.‎
  15. M.‎ J.‎  Mehdipour, Left multipliers of a certain group algebra, The 23th International Conferences Mathematics, February 2009, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran.‎
  16.  M.‎ J.‎  Mehdipour and Z.‎ Saeedi, Derivation on certain weighted measure algebras, The 44th International Conferences Mathematics, Septamber 2013, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.‎
  17. M.‎ J.‎  Mehdipour and N.‎ Gholami, Generalized (\phi,\psi)-contractive mapping on generalized quasimetric spaces,  The 2th Conferences Mathematics and applications,  June 2013, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran.‎
  18. S.‎ Behresi and M.‎ J.‎  Mehdipour, Central derivations on Rings, The 2th Conferences Mathematics and applications, June 2013, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran.‎
  19. M.J.‎ Mehdipour, Common fixed point theorems of two families of weakly compatible self-maps of a quasi-metric space, The 23th International Conferences Mathematics, June 2016, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran.‎
  20. M.‎ H.‎ Ahmadi Gandomani, M.‎ J.‎  Mehdipour and N.‎ Nikookolah, On generalized derivations of Banach algebras, The 47th International Conferences Mathematics, Septamber 2016, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.‎
  21. M.‎ H.‎ Ahmadi Gandomani and M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour, Derivations on the banach algebra L^\infty(G)^* of a locally compact group, The 5th Seminar on Harmonic Analysis and Applications, January 2017, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.‎
  22. M.‎ H.‎ Ahmadi Gandomani and M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour, On symmetric biderivations of Banach algebras related to locally compact abelian groups, The 48th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, August 2017, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.‎
  23. M.‎ Ghasemi and M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour, Product of generalized derivations on prime rings, The 48th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, August 2017, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.‎
  24. F.‎ Javadi, S.‎ Jahedi and M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour, Application of discrete weighted transform in color image compression and decompression, The 9th National Conference on Mathematics of Payame Noor University, October 2017, Kerman, Iran.‎
  25. F.‎ Javadi, S.‎ Jahedi and M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour, An application of discrete weighted transform, The 9th National Conference on Mathematics of Payame Noor University, October 2017, Kerman, Iran.‎
  26. F.‎ Javadi, S.‎ Jahedi and M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour, Weighted transform and approximation of some functions on unbounded sets, The 5th seminar on Functional analysis and its Applications, July 2017, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran.‎
  27. M.‎ H.‎ Ahmadi Gandomani and M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour, On generalized right derivations of Banach algebras related to locally compact abelian groups, The 7th Seminar on Harmonic Analysis and Applications, January 2019, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.‎
  28. M.‎ Ghasemi and M.‎ J.‎ Mehdipour, Centralizing derivations on Banach algebras related to locally compact groups, The 7th Seminar on Harmonic Analysis and Applications, January 2019, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.‎
  29. M.‎ Ghasemi and M.‎ J.‎  Mehdipour, Derivations on C*-algebras, The 24th Mathematical Analysis Seminar and its applications, May 2021, Qazvin, Iran
  30. محمد جواد مهدی پور، مسعود سلیمان دهکردی، نتایجی روی فضای هیلبرت فازی، اولین همایش ملی الکترونیکی نقش ریاضی در توسعه علوم، ۸-۹ اسفندماه ۱۳۸۹، جهرم، ایران.
  31. محمد جواد مهدی پور، مسعود سلیمان دهکردی، نگاشت های دوخطی در فضاهای هیلبرت فازی، بیستمین سمینار آنالیز ریاضی و کاربردهای آن، ۱۹-۲۱ تیرماه ۱۳۹۱، مراغه، ایران.
  32. زهرا سعیدی و محمد جواد مهدی پور، بررسی خواص یک سگال جبر، پنجمین همایش ملی تخصصی ریاضی دانشگاه پیام نور، ۳-۴ آبان ماه ۱۳۹۱، شیراز، ایران.
  33. راضیه حسابی و محمد جواد مهدی پور، اندازه های غیر فشرده مخروطی، پنجمین همایش ملی تخصصی ریاضی دانشگاه پیام نور، ۳-۴ آبان ماه ۱۳۹۱، شیراز، ایران.
  34. محمد جواد مهدی پور، زهره شکیبا، توسیع چند مفهوم از آنالیز حقیقی، چهل و دومین کنفرانس ریاضی ایران، ۱۴-۱۷ شهریور ماه ۱۳۹۰، رفسنجان، ایران.
  35. محمد حسین  احمدی گندمانی، محمد جواد مهدی پور، نجمه نیکوکلاه، تتا-مشتق های توسعه یافته با شرایط جابجایی، چهل و هفتمین کنفرانس ریاضی ایران، ۷-۱۰ شهریورماه ۱۳۹۵، کرج-ایران.


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راهنما ، مشاور (درصد اشتراک)


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